Happy Monday friendsters!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Ours was filled with cracky Christmas fun and ugly sweaters and we are doing it all over again this weekend with our annual Buccio family dinner and we are very excited to host that! Today's update will actually be a bit short because I have been plagued with my first horrible cold of the season. Needless to say, I am not feeling hot or looking hot, and I've been in sweatpants (ewww!. many of you know my disdain for sweatpants) for two days. Now, sick and pregnant is not a good combo since i have to limit the drugs due to my house guest. I mean, as much as I like chugging grape Dimatapp, I don't really want a baby addicted to cough syrup. And unfortunately, I have spent my first day as a lady of leisure on the couch. Not exactly how I wanted to kick off my semi glamorous life of being unemployed.
I am officially seven months today! I can still remember when I was five weeks and just finding out I was pregnant and processing a whole boatload of emotions. Now I'm 28 weeks and STILL processing a bulk of thoughts, anxieties, and emotions as I near the finish line in this baby marathon. How time has flown! I have 83 days to go before I pop, pop, pop! I am so excited to meet Maya! Now that I have a new photo of her to obsess over, I can't help knowing and getting emotionally overwhelmed that THAT baby is my daughter and she's living and growing inside me. There's nothing but a belly dividing us. So close and yet so far away and I love that she constantly reminds me that she's here each time she kicks me and moves around. Like "hey lady, here i am! Feed me. Talk to me." Today I sang to her and she was having a field day. Now, I'm no Mariah Carey so I'm assuming her punches were more of a request for me to cease any musical aspirations I have and spare her tiny ears of my noise.
I was reading in another newsletter that Maya is now the size of an amusement park- Cinnamon churro. This comparison couldn't be more appropriate considering churros are one of my favorite desserts. So she's obviously sweet, delicious, and tan. Yum. I just might have to eat my baby. I've been having a lot of weird dreams but also a lot of baby dreams. And can you believe it's possible that Maya could be dreaming about me too? Reading that made me get a little watery eyed. Let's face it- anything makes me cry these days. I wonder what she dreams about?
We ordered her bookshelf for her room and already have a nice collection of Spanish and English books to read to her now in the third trimester and also when she's born! Hopefully she'll be a bookworm like her mama. I can already picture us going to Barnes and Noble together, me with my hard copies and her with her kindle, as we browse books and drink caramel fraps.
I'll be in Miami next week for Christmas and for my Miami shower, which I'm so pumped for! I can't wait to see what it all looks like but more importantly I cannot wait to see my family and friends and get to celebrate such a happy occasion with lots of champagne or in my case, a glass maybe two.
I also would like to give a big shout out and thank you to my baby girl for not sucking the beauty out of me and letting me keep a version of my girlish figure. I love you beba! (See a pic of my belly at week 28) You would never be able to tell from seeing me from the back that I'm pregnant. Now, I'm not bragging but it is a nice feeling when people tell you you look great! So I'm definitely going to milk it for as long as possible! But check back with me in month 8 and 9 when I'm probably the size of single family home.
Well, that's all for today! I told you it would be short. Next Monday I have to go for my glucose test so I'll fill you all in about the visit. Thank you all for all your lovely emails and support! It makes me so happy that you are all so eager to meet Maya! She is going to have so many babysitters when she comes into this world! (Maybe I should start her facebook page/fan page now?! haha!)
MILF in training,