Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Many Possibilities of Lykke Li!

I didn't quite know what to expect from a Lykke Li performance. I've exhausted the play button on my ipod plenty listening to her folksy croons while riding the bus uptown after a hectic work day. Her music mellows me.

So imagine my surprise when she came on stage at NYC's Webster Hall and commanded such presence with such insane energy and artistic freedom, that I was left all pumped up and wanting more. A frantic light show with willowing black drapes created a dramatic entrance for the Swedish pop star, who made her appearance all clad in black.

With a drumstick in hand and dancing on stage like a sorcerer casting a spell on the audience, I couldn't take my eyes off the way she moved, interpreting the music with her body language. She came alive. Her voice in one word? Hypnotizing. Her music? All over the place. But in a fresh way. She successfully manages to blend hip hop beats with some electropop topped with a bit of blues. What I liked most about Li's performance was how she incorporated just the right amount of instrumentation. Drums, feet stomps, tribal beats, and tambourines ( as a former tambourine player in my elementary school choir, I grew a little more giddy when it made a cameo) breathed an extra jolt of electricity into the music without completely drowning it, making it seem effortless.

When she dove into songs like Sadness is a Blessing, Love out of Lust, and Unrequited Love (one of her encore surprises), three killer hits from her second album with a well defined groovy 60's beat, she comes across as vulnerable about love yet brazen. She has the ability to transform her sugary voice into almost a lullaby in songs like I Know Places. When she sang I Follow Rivers, one of my personal favorites, I fell into a trance with delirious bursts of exhilaration. And hearing her sing Little Bit with all the minimalistic elements on stage, was the highlight of the night for me. It's melodious and trippy. As an added bonus, Lykke performed Until We Bleed, which I didn't expect but was so glad to hear it because I love the words and it's so ethereal when she sings, "I need you, to need me,"

Lykke closed her set with Get Some. Just like on the record, Li's sexual confidence and in-your-face attitude resonated through the venue and the fans were fiercely singing along, getting just as aggro and dominating. Get Some is another favorite of mine and the distinction between her bold voice in this song when she yells "I'm your prostitute, you gon get some!" and her childish ring in I Follow Rivers is absolutely brilliant and reflects the creative talent Lykke Li is.

Sounds cliche, but she left the room wanting more. Eager to please her loyal fans, Li came back out to perform an encore. And just when I thought it couldn't get better , Li busts out with Possibility. I would venture to say that this song really put Lykke Li on the map in the US. You see, Lykki Li wrote Possibility for the Twilight:New Moon soundtrack. And appropriately enough, Possibility captures the poignant scene in the film where Bella is devastatingly heartbroken because Edward has left her. Every teenage girl's anguish, yet ever artist's dream to be featured in a franchise where everything it touches turns to gold. The exposure was deserving.

A beautiful mash up of harmony and rhythm that can make the overall theme of a broken heart sound like the most pleasurable experience. Lykke Li knows how to put on a performance in every sense of the word. She manages to pull off the impossible- she makes you walk away with a feeling of melancholy yet happy at the same time.

Here's to you. Here's to me.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Spotted! A pin-up vision in Wynwood.

Everyone that knows me, knows about my "complejo de super modelo". Ive never met a camera I didn't like! I am convinced that if I were a couple of inches taller, I could be strutting my lagartija skinny bones on that runway with the likes of Freja Beja, Arlenis Sosa, and Chanel Iman. But alas, the world is not ready for my jelly, and instead, I opt to channel those fashion frustrations through amateur photo shoots, facebook, and many many loser lonelies in front of a white wall.

No one knows this more than my fabulous husband, Coco, who also feeds to my complejo by taking many of these photos on his fancy Nikon D60. And really, who am I to say "NO" to the artist?! So for my 30th birthday this year, Coco and one of my very good friends Karla (who I like to call Pia. that's another blog down the line!) gifted me with a pin-up photo session at Terribly Girly in Miami. I literally O-M-G died! I had first read about Terribly Girly a couple of years back through Daily Candy and became OBSESSED. I contacted them several times, but never made an appointment bc of my hectic schedule. So when my 30th came around, I thought, 'This is what I want to do." I also didn't think anyone would give it to me. My birthday wish list tends to be endless. I was overjoyed, over the moon, overcome. You get the idea.

So fast forward to April on one of trips down south, and I walk into this little studio in the ghetto chic neighborhood of Wynwood. It's like a small movie set with all different sorts of back drops, sets, props. I was in vintage heaven. The photographer, Janette Valentine, who is absolutely a doll to work with and a super cool chick, gives me the rundown and hands me over to her amazing team of starlets (hair, makeup, wardrobe) to get me all glammed up and looking like I just stepped out of a Prohibition era speakeasy! I only came in for one look BUT I'm getting the sense that one look is just not going to be enough because there are so many looks to pick from. Which just means I will definitely be back for round 2.

With the help of the TG team, we narrowed it down to a sexy boudoir backdrop that involved an old dresser, antique telephone, a mirror and a lipstick. My hair was styled in flowy side swept retro waves with a flower. I was pimping a cropped leopard (my favorite) top and high waisted black underwear. GRRR. Oh, and can't forget the red lip. An hour of prep later, and Voila! Magic was created! Janette made me feel extremely comfortable and not at all out of my element or silly during the photo shoot. I brought the sexy and felt powerful and dominating! My butt was a little sore afterwards from lots of butt poppin' but boy, it made all the difference. Baby got back!

A couple of weeks later I received my proofs and satisfied doesn't even begin to describe all the shots. They were stunning. Gorgeous. I felt as if I was looking at an Old Hollywood film actress in a centerfold. I was giddy. Even though I did this for me, I couldn't wait to show Coco and the girls! Janette blew me away! And a couple of days ago I received my final prints (one of which I posted above) with some re touching and oh-la-la c'est parfait! What a fun and beautiful experience in more ways than one.

Some call it narcissism, which lets be honest, it is, to a certain extent. I like to call it a healthy dose of vanity and confidence minus superficiality. I am very thankful to God that I am an attractive muchachita but I also have to thank my parents (and their genes) more than anything for instilling in me a very positive and exceptionally sturdy dosage of self-esteem. They also taught me to be confident, not to be confused with cocky. And as cliched as it sounds, they taught me that being beautiful on the outside was not going to help me if I was an ugly person inside, bc that will automatically cancel out the pretty. Who you are and how you treat others and yourself is a reflection of your character. And I try to live by that lesson every single day. In the meantime, another photo shoot is calling my name! (Thanks Becs!)

Ciao. Ciao. Double kiss.

Here's to you. Here's to me.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Lady Gaga BEFORE Lady Gaga.

This picture was taken in 2006. Looks like I was on to something. I should have kept going! (disclaimer: no ice cream cups were harmed in this drunken photo shoot).

A Diamond in the Rough.

I have The CW to thank for my latest musical discoveries. Teeny Bopper, slightly risque shows like "Gossip Girl," "90210" and "One Tree Hill" are heavily concentrated with music from really cool bands that crank out some fantastic tunes, but are normally not as mainstream as the Coldplays and Gagas of the world.

That's not to say they are not successful in their own right. At all. And such is the case with Welsh singer, Marina and the Diamonds, who comes to us from across the pond and has taken the British charts by storm and is now slated to conquer the U.S. with her big voice. And what a unique one at that!

It's very rare to really like every song on an artist's album. Usually one or two songs get lost in the shuffle and are just "eh." With Marina's debut album, "The Family Jewels," which was released last year, every song deserves its time to shine.

It's astounding to see the range of vocals that come out of this petite Catherine Zeta-Jones lookalike (whose real name is Marina Lambrini Diamandis). There is the sultriness that is reminiscent of a Fiona Apple and on another extreme, there are Britney Spears bubble gum beats that get you quickly hooked. But above all, this 25-year-old sensation is a girl on a journey who knows exactly what she wants and who she wants to be.

Beyond the quirky and cute style, Marina is just a girl who is discovering who she is and who doesn't shy away from self expression or her own opinions. Songs like "Hollywood" speak loudly to the obsession with celebrity culture and the pitfalls of fame. Who can't relate to being glued to the tabloids in the checkout line and being addicted to celebs and their downfall?? One of my favorite tracks on the album is "I Am Not a Robot," which is all about finding who you are and being true to yourself. And as Marina says in her lyrics, "Better to be hated than loved for what you're not." I mean, what youngin' or anyone of any age for that matter, can't find truth in a statement like that?!

And ever get the pop star urge to let loose and dance in front of your mirror like no one's watching?! "Oh No!" is the perfect jam to rock out to. It's catchy, poppy and absolutely up-tempo. And I feel like this song really showcases that strong female vocal range with which Marina can easily go back and forth.

What is so amazingly fun about this album is how I'm thrown back to all these different eras that remind me of childhood or of old memories. When I first heard "Shampain," I thought "OMG, this song make me feel like a glam queen!" The beats had me thinking Madonna and Gaga. And after watching the video, add a little Michael Jackson "Thriller" to that eclectic cocktail. Brilliant! This song was perfect for my 30th birthday '80s bash just a couple of months ago!

If you are on the hunt for a new addition to your music collection, and looking for an artist who is a talented female singer who can carry a tune, is distinctively rock star chic, and has something interesting to say, check out Marina and the Diamonds. This set of pipes will blow you away. Trust me. You will thank me.

Here's to you. Here's to me.


Thursday, May 19, 2011


I'm back biatches! Did you miss me?!!!

It's hard to believe that I have been on a voluntary hiatus for the past 6 months.
Bananas. I'm not going to give you some excuse as to why I haven't written anything. It's just not my bag. I'll be completely honest. I just didn't feel like it. My creative juices weren't flowing. Call it a literary coma. And now I'm back up, feverishly laying down the two cents on my good looking peeps.

So much has happened in 6 months. It's now spring. Or mentirita spring. At least I'm not wearing a puffer. I am now 30. Had a fabulous 80's party made even more rad by the most amazing group of friends and family a girl could ask for. Oh, and a Madonna cake. Need I say more?! Went to St. Lucia with Coco to celebrate some more because why not. Jetsetted back and forth between NY and Miami. Went to some killer weddings (ahem, Jenise and Poops) and drank lots of champagne. Became an aunt again to the very delicious Luciana Isabella, my Lulu bear. And donned a little fancy hat for my best friend's wedding shower. And professionally, I started writing for's On the Download- reviewing music, which I will post here for your reading pleasure.

There's so much more to come so please stay tuned if you want to live vicariously through me!

Here's to you. Here's to me.
