Saturday, November 23, 2013

This Little Love of Mine.

 Alexander Antonio Alvarez
 Love at first sight.
The new generation.

If there is anyone that ever said or believed that miracles do not exist, I am here to debunk that statement. Not only do they exist, I was beyond blessed to have witnessed one in the last few days. 

On November 19th, at 12:27pm, a little boy came into this world. His name is Alexander Antonio Alvarez. His name sounds bold and royal and that's because he is. He's a BIG deal and not because of all the "oohs and ahhs" that come along with the birth of a new bundle, but because it took some time- a long time -for him to get here. And now that he is here, what was once a dream and a lingering "What if and will it ever be" became a reality. He was worth the wait.

That wouldn't have been possible if not for my aunt's tenacity and strong spirit. Their journey was not an easy one and without faith and modern medicine, I don't think many would have been able to withstand the heartbreak, the false hope, or the crippling hurdles that many times plague couples struggling with infertility. Why do women often feel at fault or like failures if they can't conceive? Does it make them any less able or fit to be mothers? Absolutely not. It is nothing to be ashamed of. It is disease, one that we have no control over but with the progress of modern medicine, can be somehow remedied (most of the time). There is hope. And then there's that inevitable question many ask, "Why are certain women who should not be having children getting pregnant while those that long and yearn for a child of their own, struggle? We may never understand why that happens. 

I am not here to speak about my aunt and uncle's road to parenthood. That is their personal story that belongs to them and I will respect that on my blog. But I will say that I look up to them even more for never giving up even when the odds were not in their favor. It was so easy for them to say, "maybe it just wasn't meant to be." But they overcame and conquered. Their commitment to each other, from the difficult missteps to the moment Alexander wailed his first cry, was the most powerful sign of love to be witnessed. They were a team and they had each other's love and support to keep pushing them further and further. It is a true testament of what wonderful, selfless, and caring parents they will be and have already become. Watching them these couple of days as they step into their new roles and get to know the tiniest member of their growing family, I am left with awe and hope of how miracles really do exist. 

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