No! I dont hate these super funny and delicious sumo babies. I want to eat them.
But anywho, just recently, some random lady I overheard on the street triggered a very common and obnoxious pet peeve of mine. And this one is a baby pet peeve. Now, I don't have children, but I do have common sense.
My annoyance comes from overhearing someone asking a mom on the street, "Oh, what a cute baby! How old is he?" Which to the mom replies, "He's 33 months."
Really?! Really?! He's 33 months?! That's just plain ridiculous. Your baby is almost
3 years old. Just stop with the month thing.
At what point do you stop referring to your babies age in month? I mean, people don't have time to sit there and decipher what 33 months means in years. Why are you asking people to do math to figure out your baby's real age? And no one is asking (or cares, unless they are related to you) how developed your child is or if he can read Latin or change their own poopy diaper. All people want to know is how old, in years preferably, is your baby.
And to be honest, 11 months should be the cut off. Because once that baby is a year old, there no need for "my baby is 14 months." No, your baby is still technically in the 1 year range. Stop being so douchy. Oh, and it really bothers me when they cross the 2 year range and i constantly hear "hes 23 months. oh, she just turned 26 months." I want to punch them in the face. The only time that baby age in months should be allowed is on clothing store hangers. And not because I like it, but because you cant really fit "1 year old" "2 year old" "1 year and a half" on the top of the hanger in small fine black print.
Just to get some maternal back up, I called my bff Vivi, who is 16 weeks, ahem, I mean 4 months pregnant (this was her joke) with her first child. So I vent to her and she starts to laugh, which is a good sign, and obviously so, she says she agrees with my observation. She thinks its totally idiotic when parents throw months at you when it comes to the baby aging process instead of just giving you a number. Its like "oh, so now you want me to work at figuring out how old your baby is?!"
I mean, I don't walk around telling people that I'm 348 months old. That would just be weird and completely toolish of me. So don't do the same to your baby. I'm sure if that baby could talk, he/she would say "no fool! I'm not 33 months old. What do I look like to you, a math equation?!"
Here's to you. Here's to me.
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