Thursday, May 19, 2011


I'm back biatches! Did you miss me?!!!

It's hard to believe that I have been on a voluntary hiatus for the past 6 months.
Bananas. I'm not going to give you some excuse as to why I haven't written anything. It's just not my bag. I'll be completely honest. I just didn't feel like it. My creative juices weren't flowing. Call it a literary coma. And now I'm back up, feverishly laying down the two cents on my good looking peeps.

So much has happened in 6 months. It's now spring. Or mentirita spring. At least I'm not wearing a puffer. I am now 30. Had a fabulous 80's party made even more rad by the most amazing group of friends and family a girl could ask for. Oh, and a Madonna cake. Need I say more?! Went to St. Lucia with Coco to celebrate some more because why not. Jetsetted back and forth between NY and Miami. Went to some killer weddings (ahem, Jenise and Poops) and drank lots of champagne. Became an aunt again to the very delicious Luciana Isabella, my Lulu bear. And donned a little fancy hat for my best friend's wedding shower. And professionally, I started writing for's On the Download- reviewing music, which I will post here for your reading pleasure.

There's so much more to come so please stay tuned if you want to live vicariously through me!

Here's to you. Here's to me.



  1. Yayyyy!!!! I don't know how long I would have gone without my needed dose of my Kata!!! And thanks for the shout out - These Castros aim to please =)
