Monday, October 28, 2013

Guess who's Bizzack!

Blog minions! I have returned.

My fingers are a little rusty and I greet you with some trepidation, cold feet anxiety, and change. Lots and lots of change. My last post was March 9, 2012- a week after we brought our first born home. Fast forward a year and a half later, and our baby is no longer a baby and New York is no longer our home- well, it IS our home, it's just no longer where we live (but that's for a different blog post and a whole other bottle of wine).

I cracked open my laptop today at a nearby coffee shop and decided to just let my mind go and my fingers wander. I'm letting it flow for this post. It has no direction and no purpose other than to offer a short and sweet "hello, I'm back" and give the wheels in my head a bit of a pre-writing warm up. I don't want to completely shock the system.

It feels good to write. I've missed it. And thanks to a an awesome Cuban nanny I pay $80 each Monday, I get to indulge in whatever "me" time activities my little heart desires. Today it's resumes, emails, Facebook stalking and blogging. Who knows what next Monday will bring. But surely some more blog posts are in my future.

I don't want to unleash the heavy in this warm up post, so I'll keep it simple and superficial. I do want to share though, that I have joined the ranks of the technologically advanced and finally gave in to a Kindle. It has changed my life. My husband is delighted one more paperback book will not overrun our tiny apartment; yet, Barnes and Nobles is crying into many pages over my lack of purchases each week. I carry my Kindle in my purse and read whenever I get a chance to. It's so convenient and simple. I won't lie and say it wasn't difficult to give up on the mountains of books I owned. I'm old school. I love the way pages in a book smell, the way they feel when they've been turned one too many times, or even when they've been loved by greasy fingers. For book worms, there is no greater feeling than buying a crispy new book and opening it up for the first time. I thought my transition would be met with withdrawals, shakes, and yearning. Instead, it was smooth sailing. There was a little bit of guilt but I got over that fast. It also helped that most of my books got damaged in my sister in law's house because of a basement leak. We had been storing some of our stuff there before the move. It was a sign from the universe. So instead of being angry and sad, I was glad someone else did the dirty work for me. I was ready to let go. Now I've drank the kindle kool-aid and I could not be happier.

That's it for me. Easy does it. Next couple of posts I'll be wearing my heart on my sleeve and diving deep into change. There is just so much to discuss and so much to be thankful for. And I'm thankful I get to share my journey with you.

Here's to you. Here's to me.


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