Another week another fruit! This week, Maya is the size of a papaya!
Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend! Seems like there was some wacky weather in store for all of us- from Snowtober in NY to floods in Miami. Coco and I got lucky this time! We spent our weekend in sunny LA visiting our friend Maureen and enjoyed being tourists and taking in the sights. And happy to report Coco and I finally purchased our baby glider! Had to go all the way to Lalaland to sample some floor models and it was so worth it! (see pic attached. no real babies were hurt during this demonstration) Thank you Momo for being an amazing hostess to us three and thank you chuck and jenna for watching over the devious pups this weekend! =)
So much to discuss this week. While there are no doctor visits to break down, some unexpected life changes popped up. As many of you know, I was laid off last week. (Thank you to all those that emailed and texted me messages of support!) Big bummer but if there is one thing that life has taught me is to not to stress the insignificant- there are far more terrible things that can happen, and I know first hand of one of those, and if I survived that, everything else is peanuts. I loved working at Access for many reasons- for starters, I'm doing EXACTLY what I wanted to be doing when I graduated and how many people can actually say that? Literally. When I was still in school living in Miami, I used to watch Access religiously and say "That's what I want to do and where I want to work!" And with determination and quintessential Kathy aggressiveness, I made my own dreams come true. Access was my first job out of college and I have been here for 8 years. I learned so much about the business at this gig. But more importantly, I learned so much about myself as a person. I grew up at this job and much of who I am and my work ethic come from following a passion that means the world to me. I also got one of the biggest surprises and gifts at this job- my husband! I met Coco at the fresh age of 21 working here so I am forever grateful to Access for introducing me to my other half and baby daddy. I really do think the weirdest fact to swallow of this new change is not getting to work with Coco anymore. It'll definitely be odd, but as Coco says "well, now you don't have to throw me out of your office anymore. You're going to miss that." Indeed. But let's face it. It was time to move on and deep down I knew that. There was no more room for growth. And no matter how much you love a job, if you can't get better at it or take advantage of more opportunities, the job has given you everything it has to give you. I compare it to a boyfriend you're kind of in love with but not really and you know it's time to break up because you are just comfortable in the relationship. Access was that kind of boyfriend. And I have to say "thank you" to that boyfriend which dumped me last week because it gave me the kick in the butt I needed to wake up and move on. I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, I truly am. And I know that there is something bigger and better out there for me so I'm not worried, plus it's not the end of the world. So what shall an unemployed preggo aspiring supermodel do with her time off? Leisure of course! I'm going to enjoy the rest of my fabulous pregnancy, visit museums and exhibits that have been on my list for some time, pick up some freelance work, watch a lot of movies, read a lot of books, and maybe just maybe, if I'm feeling inspired, cook in my new kitchen. But that's a big maybe. Also, get some subscriptions to both Vanity Fair and the NY times so my brain doesn't shut down and I feel dumb. And when Maya is born, I am going to savor, love, and obsess over every single moment I have with my baby girl! Get some good and uninterrupted Maya and mami time because God knows nothing will be more important than that. I am so looking forward to it. Sometimes, change comes in the most unexpected forms. I'm ready for it!
Renovations! Are we still talking about it?! Unfortunately yes, but it looks like by the end of the week the Buccio kitchen will be 90 percent running so I ain't gonna complain! We had a couple of issues with appliance deliveries but today we get our new stove, Thursday our dishwasher or as I like to call it my saving grace, but sadly, our refrigerator is back ordered so we will have to make do with our obnoxiously BIG white one. It will temporarily do the job! The kitchen looks insane! Like I said, almost makes me want to cook if you can believe that. I think the vision that both Coco and I had for our dream NYC kitchen was seamlessly brought to life by our talented super, Frank. And we are looking forward to inaugurating it this weekend at our NYC Marathon Buccio breakfast in support of Coco's sister, Gina, who will be running the big race!
Let's talk Maya! I'm in love with her and I haven't even met her! Coco and I get a kick out of my alien belly that happily jolts with her punches and karate kicks. I constantly dream about her and just thinking about meeting her, makes me smile with delight and excitement. I got some new bows in the mail and one of Maya's Miami besties, Jolie, sent her the cutest ballet slippers and zapaticos charol. Mama Slenzak in LA gifted her the most poshest fur vest and I almost melted! Like mother, like daughter already! And momo gave me such a special gift- a nameplate necklace with Maya's name so I can wear close to my heart! So special. Thank you all! These little gestures mean so much to me. As far as weight gain (see below), still rocking my non-maternity duds (besides jeans bc I desperately needed those!) and gaining weight appropriately but thankfully not on my face. Phew! Basketball face = dribble dribble not hot.
Last on the agenda, a really insightful email newsletter I got from my pregnancy site- pregnancy and friendships. Before I was pregnant, many of my mom friends or mom-to-be friends, often discussed the evolution of friendships that happens when you are travelling on your own baby journey. I was very aware of their discussions and pretty much understood where they were coming from. Personally, I found it sometimes annoying and daunting to be in a conversation with other women/friends who only talked about their babies, kids, goo-goo gaga lingo, etc. I didn't have a kid nor was I interested in the time so to me, I was bored out of my mind listening to it. Let's be real, sometimes I still am even as I await Maya's arrival. You have to be able to talk about more than just babies. Don't get me wrong, I'll be talking up a storm about my muñeca but I'm also aware that I have to know my audience. And this is what I am getting at in terms of pregnancy and friendships. It's inevitable that friendships and relationships will change. It's a natural progression of life and as human beings and friends, we are all on different life paths and sometimes those life paths take a different turn organically. It requires a lot of effort on both parts to maintain a normal friendship, so now add a baby into the mix, and that effort is amplified. I completely accept that many of my friendships and relationships will change as my priorities get rearranged and my free time is limited and I am okay with that. It is what is meant to be and eventually things will fall into place in a different way.
So that's all folks for week 23 update! Again, thanks for joining me on my "pregnancy for dummies" journey. It's one hell of a ride!
MILF in training,