If you are like many parents with a love and passion for music, I would assume that one of the many things you are eager to pass along to your new bundle of joy is great musical appreciation; along with a massive collection of records and albums you have saved throughout the years. Why wouldn't you? You want your little one to love The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, and even Madonna as much as you do!
It has been discovered that a baby can hear sounds and often feel soothed by certain music while in the womb starting in the second trimester, so why not start the music classes early in child development. Plus, its a beautiful and fun way to bond with your little bundle of joy!
That's where Rockabye Baby comes in. I actually learned about Rockabye Baby years ago before I was pregnant. (I'm now 5 months pregnant and a proud owner of Bellybuds loaded up with Rockabye Baby tunes). My first reaction was "How clever. Sure beats the alternative." Now I'm not hating on other baby music out there; but in all honesty, those tunes can get a bit too kiddy, annoyingly repetitive and a little hokey. Let's face it- they drive parents insane. Rockabye Baby has managed to adapt and re-record the original classics from artists and bands we've grown to love and admire into simple, creative and mellow lullabies for your baby to enjoy. Is it possible for songs like Elvis Presley's "Jailhouse Rock," Journey's "Don't Stop Believin’," and even Kanye West's "Gold Digger" to be transformed into soft beats and chimes that will comfort your baby? The answer is yes. It is done brilliantly and the end result is a twist on some of music's greatest hits. Even celebrity moms and dads are big fans of this lullaby innovation!
What I like most about Rockabye Baby is the broad selection of genres and artists who have jumped on this bandwagon. There is something for every music lover. If you like classic rock, check out tunes from Pink Floyd, Queen, Led Zeppelin, and Def Leppard. Maybe you lean more towards contemporary artists like Madonna, Coldplay, and No Doubt and you want your mini maestro to jam to some "Like a Virgin," "The Scientist," and "Just a Girl." No worries, because Rockabye Baby has you covered. Country fans - there is something for you too! Hushabye Baby, under the same umbrella as Rockabye Baby, has created a spectacular selection of country lullabies from iconic artists like Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson, and leading lady Taylor Swift.
One of my personal favorites on constant rotation on my baby iPod besides the Madonna soundtrack is The Beatles compilation. I play that one a lot on my buds and it makes me wonder how much my little girl is enjoying such hits as "Across The Universe," "I Want To Hold Your Hand" and "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds." I’m just thankful I don't have to be tortured by Wiggles music now that I know Rockabye Baby has been able to come up with a magical and fun alternative for both babies and parents.
So parents, let's not underestimate a newborn's musical palette and let's expose them to the melodic world of our generation's music. Besides, some of these great artists mentioned above were born stars and who knows, maybe your kid is this generation's musical prodigy!
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