Hello Baby fan club!
It's a beautiful day in the east coast and so much to talk about in this week's newsletter. Hope you all had a kick ass weekend!
And we have a new photo shoot to share today! (see above! first pic is a 3d/4d close up of her face, second pic is her 2d profile pic, and 3rd pic is her once the ultrasound was done saying "thats enuf for today folks." )
Let's start with the most important person- me. No, jk! This email is all about baby. This morning, Coco and I went to our 20 week ultrasound at the hospital and we were both so giddy to see Maya. Seriously, I don't know which one of us is worse! We have both been counting down the days to get to see her mug on the big screen. First off, Maya is doing great and growing by the day! She's healthy and good-looking! Phew! She was awake-again-so we got to see her move around while they measured all her organs. Can we talk about the beautiful brain this baby has?! Even the ultrasound technician said how cooperative and nicely developed she was! (i mean, I'm sure every parent hears this, but since its OUR baby, we think she is the next leader of the free world. lol) We got to see her little feet and hands, her beating heart, and her gorgeous little face! She has the cutest petite button nose and lips. But you know what really blew me away? How photogenic this baby is already! She was literally posing when the technician went to 3d/4d. She had both her little hands under her chin like if she was striking a pose for Sears portraits or Glamour shots! Or maybe she wants to be on the next season of Toddlers and Tiaras. She is already making me proud! I'm constantly feeling her move and felt the first official kick on Friday while watching Parks and Recreation. She's a funny baby! Coco also felt her move when we went to see Cirque's Zarkana and as you can imagine, Coco was beyond thrilled that he has a future Cirque du Soleil fan to drag to the shows. Also, she seems to enjoy le meatballs because after munching on a foot long meatball sub from Subway, I can feel her doing somersaults in my belly! Feeling her move never gets old and each time is just as amazing and surreal as the last. It brings a smile to my face. To even think there is a baby in my belly is just bananas. And to know that I'm never alone anymore in a sense, is comforting, especially when Maya is very respectful of her mama's alone time.
At 20 weeks, I'm feeling fantastic and halway to the finish line! Maya is the size of a cantaloupe and weighing 12 ounces or as my dad says, almost as big as a vegetable can. My back is still in pain but the weekly chiropractor and pre-natal massages are a HUGE help. My belly is big and beautiful! Looks like a swallowed a basketball. And as long as my face doesn't look like a basketball, I'm a happy girl. Eating plenty but noticed i can't go too heavy at dinner because it affects my sleep and causes major indigestion and heartburn, which I wasn't too familiar with before pregnancy. Oh, I also purchased my first pair of maternity skinny jeans and they look and feel fab!!! Its like pregnancy spanx. Sexy. I'm loving them.
Next up- renovations. (cue dramatic music here). I'm going on my third week of being away from home and living with Boni, who by the way, has been a superb host to a pregnant friend! I am so eternally grateful to her for allowing me to stay here and maintain a sense of normalcy. The hardest part has been being away from Coco but I have to say, he's been AMAZING handling the whole project. It's not easy to live in one room with extra furniture, boxes, and 3 dogs (think Hoarders.) and he's really keeping it together for both of us despite the stressful living conditions. BUT we know in 4 more weeks, it will ALL be worth it! It's all for a good cause. Maya's room is getting painted today and the shelving is going in her closets and by tomorrow her shabby chic chandelier will be hanging! This week is do or die at the apartment with all the painting and plastering getting done, our new kitchen being delivered, and hopefully by the end of the week, I'll be back in there sleeping in my own bed and getting the house somewhat together! We still will have no access to the kitchen but at least I can be back in the apartment. Makes you really appreciate a home cooked meal amongst other things one usually takes for granted. I cannot wait to see the finished product of our cozy home!
This past weekend was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time! At the very last minute, I had the opportunity to head to Boston to meet up with some of my best friends and their families and I am so happy I went considering I'm not one for spontaneity. I was able to spend 2 days with them catching up, sightseeing, and just hanging out. It was perfect and SO needed. I miss my friends from home so much. It's one of the handful of things I miss about Miami. These girls are more than friends- they are my sisters, their families are my family and they are a big extension of who I am. I often say that I wish I could have my cake and eat it too- live in the best city in the world with all my Miami girlfriends here to keep me smiling and formando escandalo! But I think one of the highlights from my trip was a surprise visit from Coco!!! Coco wasn't supposed to come but thanks to the kindness of our awesome friend, Chuck, Coco got on a flight last minute and surprised me after we had finished lunch at Beacon Hill. Everyone was ecstatic to see him, especially Leo, the Planas matriarch. To get to hang out with him and our friends made the trip even more fun and meaningful! Oh, and we got to sleep in the same bed so that was a major plus.
Needless to say, this Monday has shaped up to be a really good day overall. Makes working until midnight tonight a non issue! Hope you enjoyed this week's Baby Buccio update! Thanks again for joining me on this magic crib ride! Big hugs to all of you near and far.
MILF in training,
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