Hey Kids!
We're down to the wire with six more days to go!! It's such a crazy reaction and realization when I am continuously asked, "So when is the big day?!" and I say "This week" or "any day now!". Ever heard a stomach drop??? Because I hear mine pull a Tower of Terror drop that is terrifying, exciting, and full of adrenaline. I can't believe we have six days left. And in six days, Coco and I will be parents to a beautiful baby girl. Me, a mom?! Astounding! Yes, while there is the fear of sleepless nights, no instruction manual on how to take care of a newborn, and the hope and fear of providing all the love in the world to this little girl, there is also a feeling of immense joy, gratitude and happiness that has lifted us on a cloud of euphoria. These feelings were unfathomable to me before pregnancy. And to think, we are experiencing all these feelings without having seen her yet. We cannot even imagine the high when we lay eyes on her for the first time. We anxiously await that moment (after all the slimy residue gets cleaned first, of course!)
I have 2 doctor visits to fill you in on. Last Tuesday at week 38, I was still one centimeter dilated and 30% effaced and Maya's heartbeat was nice and strong. It appeared that our daughter was sitting pretty upside down and in position but had no desire to do any work at that moment! We get it. She's in no rush. She's taking her sweet time and already testing her mother's patience. I can't complain though. She seems to be an obedient kid. Follows directions properly, doing what she's supposed to do all in her own time. I dig this independence. And as many friends and family members have said, she'll make her debut when she doesn't have to share the spotlight with anyone or anything. Sigh. Just like her mother. She needs a day of celebration and over the top birthday parties just for her.
Today, Coco and I visited the Wu for week 39 check up! Well, I'm still one centimeter dilated BUT 70 percent effaced! Which means all these contractions I've been having, have been helping thin out my cervix wall. The Wu says that it will also help me dilate. But as of right now, she's all cozy in her egg. I did express to her that my vagina and I were both getting scared because this baby is nearing 8lbs and that was my c-section cut off. She agreed but said right now she's probably at 7.3-7.4 and she's doing great so we'll just have to wait. We made a tentative appt for Monday in case I don't go into labor by Sunday. If I'm still preggo on Monday, we will schedule an induction with the hospital to get Maya out! I weigh 142.2lbs. So still at 31lbs gain. Coco said its because this baby knows to take only some of my beauty but not all of it! Oh, the Wu also said no castor oil! I can try everything else but that. She says that not only will it give me diarrhea but also the baby which is called meconium. And if she inhales the poop, it could be extremely dangerous for baby! So not doing it.
So week 38-39 brings a whole new set of bodily changes and activities in preparation for labor. ( I will share mine because I'm generous like that). I am definitely sweating a whole lot more at bed time. From boob sweat to feet sweat. I have to regularly take off my pajama pants because I feel like they are suffocating me like a jealous boyfriend. This winter has been unseasonably warm so the 50 degree winds, or lack there of, barely help when I crack the windows open. Even the little egg temperature contraption we have in the room now for Maya's sake, tells me its a balmy 80 degree in our room (with a sad face emoticon. So judgemental). We have had to turn off the radiators to level off the temperature in the room. Besides all this sweating, I've also had a bit of that "bloody show" the doctors and the books tell you about. It's a sign that labor is around the corner. Mine has been light pinkish in color. Like vintage pink.There's been no sign of the mucus plug or my water breaking. My BH contractions have been occurring more repeatedly and are a bit more intense (hence the effacement). There's been some early labor contractions that feel like bad period and gas cramps rolled into one, a two for 1 special, but they haven't been so painful that I need to call the doctor. (even though in my head I think I'm going into labor.) So that's what I'm feeling right now. Basically I'm impatiently waiting. Or as Coco says, "It's time to pull the ripcord and get this baby out!". I've even gone as far as to adopt some of the old wives' tales of things you an do to speed up labor. Walking. Been there, done that, and continue to do it. Spicy foods. I'm scarfing down spicy mayo and ginger like I'm Japanese. And sex. Yes, even sex. Coco couldn't be happier. My last attempt will come this week at the suggestion of a friendly neighbor who says I should drink two tablespoons of Castor Oil. At first I thought, isn't that for the car?" But apparently Castor oil causes the uterus to contract (and also gives you diarrhea). You've all seen my swollen fat feet which the Wu says aren't that bad and I told her about the numbness in my hands and not being able to close them and the pain in my fingers and how I freaked because I thought i had arthritis or MS. She said its completely normal because your hands swell too and it's almost like carpel tunnel but it goes away after the baby is born. (Wipe brow! )
Another reason this baby needs to be born is because I have developed a sick craving for freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. I mean seriously?! This late in the game??! I am proud of my 31lb weight gain and these cookies are the devil. They just opened Insomnia Cookies 2 blocks from the house and my big belly and I make the trek (and I say trek because with less than 2 weeks to go, anything past a block is a 10K marathon) to get two sometimes three cookies. I even dragged the dogs in the rain to get my fix. These cookies are my crack. They are to die for! But no more! These cookies will not have a hold over me. Yesterday i completely ignored them. My vanity is way more important than milk chocolate heaven. (tear!) Other weird cravings I've been having: coke Slurpee, fish and chips with tartar sauce, eggs Benedict, and strawberry frosted donuts from DD. Must be strong. Well, I'll give in to the fish and chips.
So I leave you with that, ladies and gents! Hope you enjoyed the updates. Hopefully next week's update will be the last and I will be writing it either from the hospital with Maya by my side or from a five minute breather between feedings or naps! Just a quick heads up- Coco and I have a "We're in Labor!" draft email prepared to send out wide once we head to the hospital! So please keep an ear and eye out. Instead of BCC'ing, I will be CC'ing because it will be easier for us to keep resending to the same address book! So please try not to reply all so people's mailboxes don't get clogged with emails - reply ONLY to Coco and I.
Check out our luggage for the hospital! One bag for moi to keep me happy, entertained, and comfortable at the hospital. And one bag for Maya with all her outfits, hair bows, and blankets so she's looking fab and gorgy for all her visitors and photo ops.
Love you all and talk soon! ( I will no longer be signing off as "MILF." Taking a cue from French mothers who abhor the American expression. Because there is no excuse to let yourself go because you have kids. Oui oui!)
In style,
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