Monday, February 27, 2012

Viva le baby! -Baby Buccio Update- Week 40.

Hello baby fan club!

C'est moi! The still pregnant and impatiently waiting UES mom to be. First off, thank you to all you guys who have checked in and emailed or texted words of encouragement. I really do appreciate the thoughtfulness, especially when I'm getting a tad bit restless here! (Have I mentioned patience is not my forte?!) Maya T.B. doesn't seem ready to pack up her apartment just yet and soon I will have to evict her! She seems to be extremely patient, a quality she clearly got from her papa and not from me. She is evidently running on Cuban time!

Coco and I went to the doctor this morning and I've dilated half a centimeter. Ughh! Which really doesn't mean anything because I can either go into labor in an hour or a week. The Wu says that if I don't go into labor on my own this week, I will definitely be induced Friday, march 2nd at 630am. So regardless, there will be a baby here no later than Friday! I'll be honest. I'm getting labor cold feet. As I've expressed many time on these updates, my initial decision has always been to have a C-section because I had no desire to push. Yes, a gazillion women before me have had children, I am certainly not the first, but as the day gets closer, the thought of pushing a baby out of my vagina is making me break into sweats and minor panic attacks. My doctor says this is a normal reaction to have but that we will explore the C-section when we get to the hospital and I'm experiencing contractions since she knows I've been back and forth with my decision (we will also take into account the baby's size and my tolerance).

It's highly plausible that we will be having a March baby. I married me a March baby and Lola Isabel is a March baby too. I'm totally cool with another one ( like I have a choice) as long as she doesn't come on leap day. What a way to start life with such confusion! (and too early to start paying for therapy!) I have to face reality. There is a chance she may come that day and I'm trying to be positive about it since my doctor thinks it will be "so cool" or some of my friends tell me it'll be "unique", "original" and "different." Yeah I guess they're right. But aren't these words just a politically correct way to say "OMG you're baby was born on leap day?! That sucks." Regardless, I will squeeze my vajayjay tight and push her back in!

I'm sooo tired and rundown today. Nancy, the Wu's nurse, said that today is the first time she has noticed my face a little swollen, to which I gasped in horror. She said it was just a little puffy. And Coco thought it be funny to say to me "you have cara de papa!" Um, are you drunk?! Rule #34224- do not tell a pregnant woman who is overdue and done, that she has "cara de papa" unless you want to get punched in the nut sack. Even Nancy was like "that might not be the right thing to say." He cleaned up his mess fast. Again, thank goodness for mirrors and my bulletproof self-esteem because I know that I still look amazingly gorgeous! Back to my contractions. The last 2 days I have been experiencing an increase in contractions with mild pain, but nothing horrible. The Braxton Hicks are becoming more frequent and more uncomfortable toppled with the urge to constantly pee. I also lost my mucus plug which is just as disgusting as it sounds so I'll spare you the details. Coco has taken over Nazi duties and forcing me to take stairs (he doesn't even care that my legs tremble like a baby horse's newborn legs!) and do a lot more walking. Shortly, after I send out this update and when I'm done napping, we are going to head out and power walk our way through the park. Oh I can't wait. Emotionally, I'm teetering between an insane amount of nerves and excitement. Yesterday I had many of those Oprah "aha moments" where it hits me like new that I'm having a baby (or it could be short term memory, who knows) and that our lives will be changing forever. It's exceptionally fantastic but also fearful since we are jumping into the deep end blind! I can't believe we are having a baby! There I go again.

This weekend we did one final run to Buy Buy Baby for essentials like wipes and ready to feed baby formula. My amazing mother-in-law did some bulk grocery shopping for us so we wouldn't have to stress about food when Maya arrives. And we are so excited because we booked our first Miami trip with Maya for the summer so she can meet some of her Miami family and friends and her other home! Ahhh! Next up is Thanksgiving trip! We have to get our little jet setter-in-training accustomed to the friendly skies!

And to my animal lovers out there! Our fur babies know something is up! They do say that dogs can sense changes in a human body earlier than we can and I really do believe that. Ito and Chacha follow me more than usual, even if I get up for a quick pee or to throw something away. Lola is more maternal. She doesn't step on my belly (check pic attached!). Instead, she cuddles with me and lays her head on my belly and it's so funny to see Maya move and Lola's head move along with her movements and she just stays put. This morning as she was laying on the couch with me, she growled at Chacha and Ito for getting too close to my belly. It's a pretty interesting behavior to observe. Don't underestimate those canines! Their doggy blanket is all packed up in the hospital bag so we can wrap Maya up with it once and then bring it home so they can familiarize themselves with the new baby smell.

Well, that's it for now kiddies! Wanted to keep you in the loop! The last and final update will have a baby picture, God willing, attached to it! It'll be Maya's "Hello World!" introduction! Thanks again for riding my baby carousel of progress! (BTW, you are really pregnant for 10 months. I don't know how that Duggar woman does it!)

In Style,


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